What age can children start attending Panda Learning Center? Children must be 2 years of age by September 1st to enroll.
Can my child attend school all day? Children must be 3 years of age. We offer 12:30pm and 1:30pm dismissal for children 2-3 years of age.
Does my child need to be toilet trained to attend preschool? Children do not need to be toilet trained to attend preschool, but children 3 years and up must be toilet trained to attend school until 3:30pm.
What if my child cries at drop-off? Many children cry at drop-off. We use a variety of strategies to help children and transition. Most children stop crying within a few minutes. In other cases, we will create a transition plan based on the child’s needs and behavior. All children are unique, so we find a method that will benefit you and your child.
Do you offer afterschool clubs? Yes, we offer a variety of afterschool clubs to children ages 4.5 and up from 3:30-4:20pm and 1:45-2:30pm for children 3-4.5 years of age.
How can I learn about my child's progress at school? Just ask! Ask quick general questions at morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up. Need more time? Schedule an appointment with the teacher. Additionally, every two weeks, parents receive a school and classroom newsletter. We offer 15-minute parent/teacher conferences twice per year, in addition to two annual assessments to offer parents a chance to see their child's emotional, social and academic progress.
How can I get involved with my child at school? We offer many opportunities throughout the year. Parents can enter the classroom to read, share a holiday or favorite tradition, talk about their culture or job, or other ways. Teachers will inform parents in advance, but parents can also present ideas and availability.
My child doesn’t speak English. How will she communicate or understand? Many children enter our program without English skills. However, our wonderful staff will nurture your child in a caring environment that will encourage and help your child develop English language skills. He/she will speak English before you know it!
Do you evaluate children? Twice per year we evaluate children according to their individual growth and development. We do not measure children against other children. Assessments help parents, children and teachers identify strengths or areas that need require extra attention. Assessments also help teachers guide lessons to meet the needs of each child.
Will my child be prepared for elementary (primary) school after graduating from Panda? Yes, we make sure children reach the necessary skills for primary school. We receive positive feedback from schools that welcome our former students. Of course, we hope you will consider our elementary school (Central Point) to continue your child’s education.
Do you accept enrollment applications all year round? We only offer September enrollment for our 2-3 group. If a place becomes available in our 3.5-6 age groups, we would consider mid-year enrollment. Before enrolling a child mid-year, we arrange a trial day to ensure the child meets the academic and emotional level of the group.
My child would like to celebrate his birthday at school. Can we bring a cake to share with his classmates? We do not celebrate birthdays with cakes or sweets. Although we enjoy celebrating birthdays, we prefer to celebrate with a special activity, such as sharing baby or favorite photos or sharing a favorite book or story.
Can I receive a refund if my child stays home ill? We do not offer refunds for missed days. However, with a 48-hour advance notice, you can get a refund for school lunch.
The number of days per month vary, how do you calculate school and lunch fees? We calculate the cost of school and lunches for the full school year (180 days) and divide by ten months to make monthly payments easier. We must receive payments two weeks prior to the approaching month or term.
When do you have school holidays? We follow an international school calendar. Therefore, we have a mid-term break in October, two weeks in December (returning after the New Year), mid-term winter break in February and two weeks in spring (March or April).
Can our family take holidays outside scheduled school holidays? We ask parents to schedule holidays according to our school calendar. Although students can make up written work, they miss group work, which reinforces learning and social aspects of the classroom. These aspects are equal to, if not more important, than written work.
Do you offer summer camp? Yes, we offer summer camp in July/August for 4 weeks. Our summer camp is a fun educational way for children to spend part of their summer.